MVpybot: Update

Well, i’ve finally gotten around to putting out some decent source for the bot. Here it is. There is also an addon system. To make an addon, simply make a python file in the botplugins/ folder and put your code in, like this:


def test():
 return("PRIVMSG %s :test" %(channel))

This would make a function called test. The variables channel, sender, nick, cmd, and run are passed to the function. The functions syscmd() and getlevel() are also passed to the plugin.

The default plugins that are included with the bot are ping, for pinging addresses, testplugin, for testing the bot, yacas, for doing math with yacas (delete it if you don’t have yacas installed) and getlevel, for demonstrating the ability to use the getlevel function in a plugin.

I have also set up a page for the bot, see the links bar below the logo.

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